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It's Really Happening! My printed textile goods are here!

Now they've arrived, I can uncross my fingers!

They are beautiful!

Hi everyone! It’s definitely feeling real now. My 'Heart of the Surrey Hills' printed textile goods have arrived at my home and I'm blown away with how fabulous they look!

It's been a long process and it's become a real labour of love that I wasn't expecting.

Long since I left Australia and was given a cushion as a leaving present that had images of the village I used to live in, I wanted to create something similar to showcase the beauty of the Surrey Hills area - which is where I live now and proud to call home.

Friends often say to me 'Oh what are you trying now, Lisa?!' Well, I'm a designer, a creative, if you will. We can't sit still and whilst we might specialise in one area, in my case interior design, we are often willing to give anything creative a go! I have turned my hand to many creative areas over the years - even cake making, which I loved!

I actually started my career in hand printed textiles long ago in Mayfair, London but so much has changed over the years, I felt like I was starting from scratch.

And to be honest, I couldn't have managed to get these designs printed without the help of my daughter, who is far more proficient on photoshop and illustrator than I am! Long gone are the days of hand drawing a pattern repeat! It has been such a joy from the beginning though to finally seeing the end results.

These beautifully printed designs showcase some of the iconic landmarks that we all now and love here in the Surrey Hills AONB. I am also delighted that I have been awarded the Surrey Hills trade mark. This award celebrates organisations of high quality that reflect and support the distinct and special nature of the Surrey Hills and who share in the values of supporting the local environment.

You can now purchase my selection of tea towels, oven gloves and scatter cushions on my online shop. The products are available in four different colour ways: green, lilac, pinky/red and navy.

Which will be your favourite?


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